Football analysis and strategy from Chris B. Brown
It’s now up over at Grantland: One of them is a play Newton made famous at Auburn — the “inverted veer” or “dash read” play. Unlike a typical zone read where the quarterback reads a back-side defender, the inverted veer reads a player on the front side — the quarterback and running back head in the same…
Read more about New Grantland: Cam Newton and the Diversity of Carolina’s Zone-Read Package
Awhile back I talked about the potential for a “quadruple option,” where a zone-read or other spread option run was married with a two man pass concept. The idea was essentially an extension of the traditional base run packaged with a bootleg pass, just combined into one play. There are obviously issues with keeping linemen…
Read more about Quadruple option: Zone read with multiple pass options
My breakdown of Oregon’s and Auburn’s offenses in anticipation of tonight’s BCS title game is up over at Yahoo!. Check it out. Also, hat tips and thanks to Brophy and the Offensive Breakdown site for some great info (especially to Brophy for the image on the power scheme). Check out great info from both sites…
Read more about Deconstructing: Oregon’s and Auburn’s offenses as spread revolution