Football analysis and strategy from Chris B. Brown
Gary Becker: [T]he NCAA sharply limits the number of athletic scholarships, and even more importantly, limits the size of the scholarships that schools can offer the best players. NCAA rules also severely restricts the gifts and housing players are allowed to receive from alumni and others, do not allow college players to receive pay for…
Stewart Mandel recently wrote a piece on NCAA enforcement incoherence. It’s a good piece and gives a nice overview of the problems built right into the system’s framework, and how the NCAA arrived at the recent Ohio State ruling: [I]f you’re just a general college football fan, you have every reason to be puzzled, outraged…
Read more about NCAA enforcement follies and the commentariat
In his discussion of the Michigan fracas, Dr Saturday steps back: But the broader implication isn’t about the changing culture at Michigan as much as it is the longstanding culture at all big football schools, where the notion of “voluntary” workouts and hourly limits have been met with winks for years. A survey of Division…