Cincinnati’s Post-Handoff Jump Pass

While Tim Tebow may have been the guy who made famous the so-called “jump pass”: where a run-threat player runs towards the line on a run-action before raising up and tossing the ball to a (hopefully) wide open receiver. It’s an extreme form of a play-action “pop” pass over the middle, and with guys like Tebow in charge it had a single-wing twist.

And so the play has existed, largely as a novelty, for the past few years. Until this past weekend. Cincinnati ran the coolest spin on the jump pass that I’ve seen: they lined up in a tight I-formation, handed the ball to the deep I-back, who then threw the jump pass. And watch the tight-end: he kicks out the end man on the line of scrimmage before releasing — no, free releasing — to the middle of the field where he was wide open.

And watch the right guard, as Cincinnati really sells the play-action by pulling a lineman to fake the “Power-O” play.

Great play and call.