Smart Links – Holgorsen’s Dual-Threat QB, William Gholston, P.G. Wodehouse, Incompetents – 5/29/2012

My Q&A with Bruce Feldman on The Essential Smart Football, trends in college football, and what coaches I (and you, the reader) would most like to get drinks with.

Spencer Hall reviews TESF (in his own inimicable way).

Blutarsky reviews TESF.

So does Gregg Rosenthal at

Dana Holgorsen recruits a dual-threat quarterback.

Podcast with Kevin of No 2-Minute Warning.

Good read on Michigan State’s William Gholston.

The House that Christian Ponder Built.

An evening with Jose Conseco.

Scientific reasons why incompetents think they are awesome. Hopefully there is no irony with this article being linked to on Smart Football…

The Escapist: On P.G. Wodehouse.